The 70:10:10 institute helps companies excel with new approaches that build high performance at individual, team and organizational level. Bernstein protects their research, methodologies and models.
“Being able to use the web app to timestamp our IP on the blockchain simply and quickly, gives us a level of security that our assets won't be used by others without our permission.”
Charles Jennings, Co-Founder of the 70:20:10 Institute
The London- and Maastricht-based 70:20:10 Institute works with organizations across the world to strengthen and align learning and development (L&D) with organizational performance needs whilst embracing techniques such as performance support, working with exemplary performers, social learning, re-designing work processes and more. Charles Jennings, who is considered a pioneer of the concept of informal learning, has been using Bernstein since 2018.
Introduce yourself, Mr. Jennings
My name is Charles Jennings. I am one of the Co-Founders of the 70:20:10 Institute. At the 70:20:10 Institute, we help organizations across the world create greater business value by bringing learning and working together. I have been involved in projects delivering value by exploiting informal learning in the flow of work for almost 30 years.
The numbers stand for three different forms of learning:
The 70 stands for learning through work - this includes experience, practice and reflection.
The 20 stands for learning from and with others - such as colleagues, superiors, top performers, members of communities or our partners and children.
The 10 is formal learning, which includes courses, e-learning and books. The model is a structure within which learning and development is aligned with business and organizational goals.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your activity?
The most rewarding aspect of my work is seeing our clients deliver measurable business results using our methodologies, approaches, and guidance.
How has Bernstein been helping you in what you are doing?
Almost every day, we create significant amounts of IP in our work. We develop models and methodologies that are used in engagements with clients, and our clients embed our IP in their processes and ways of working. We also write books and papers and research new ways of creating business value. Bernstein provides us with a perfect way to record and store our IP, and to provide a record of innovation and ownership. Being able to use the web app to timestamp our IP on the blockchain simply and quickly, gives us a level of security that our assets won't be used by others without our permission.
Who should speak to this company?
CEOs, Directors of Lean/Agile, HR Directors, and Learning/Training Directors in private companies, Government agencies and not-for-profit organizations.
More about 70:20:10 | More about Charles Jennings
We thank Charles Jennings for his time to share his story, and encourage any Bernsteiner who would like to share his or her journey & insights to reach out!